Our sled dogs love to pull sleds. They love it more than anything else and they can run incredible distances just because they want it. The most eager sled dogs can run hours in a day and wake up the next morning asking, can we do this again?
Keeping sled dogs is not just a profession, it is a way of life.
Our dogs need us all year round, practically 24 hours a day, every day.
Unfortunately, COVID 19 has also affected us, who live thanks to tourism, and our dogs, who always need food and care. Now life is almost normal again, but we still struggle to recover after a long period without visiting tourists.
We ask for other support from all those who can and are willing to do so.
We have about 35-40 dogs to feed, we hope you will support us so that we can ensure a good life for all. Every little help is precious.
You can donate using this Iban: Old Pine OY FI21 5475 0020 2196 01
Thank you for helping our dogs in a critical situation!